Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 6

I had fun exploring the sites, however my favorite was googlelittrips. That is just so cool! I could see using this in the library on a book club book. Also I feel that my social studies teachers will love this I can't wait to share! I would like to explore scrible maps more to get a little more comfortable with it however I can see using this as another tool when studying maps and atlas as research tools. I have bookmarked all of them and plan on sharing math manipulative with the math teachers.  Sift will be fun to have the kids play with and I know the language teachers will love it.
The site that I have used in the library  for making trading cards.  The kids loved making cards about themselves. This year I hope to have them make cards on a favorite book.  I think this would be a great way to book talk a book. It also has easy acess to flicker to find pictures.  You can see the card I made in an earlier blog from another class I took on 2.0 tools.

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